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Kinston NC Storage Solutions and Charitable Acts

Are you wrapping up your holiday shopping? Before you check your list twice, add a few extra items to the cart to help us give to a charity that has helped so many in our Kinston NC neighborhood. Our experts are not only here to help you find storage solutions during your move, but also to get involved in Kinston NC events.

Mary’s Soup Kitchen is our focus for the month of December. We are currently accepting donations to make their holiday meal memorable for many. After the Thanksgiving feast, many of our local food banks need help replenishing their pantries in time for Christmas, Brooks Mini Storage wants to make an effort to help. Mary’s Kitchen serves over 125 people per day and needs our support most this time of year. Kinston NC Storage Solutions

The hard working team behind all the delicious meals has been growing strong since July of 1984. The mission is simple, feed those without necessary nourishment. As soon as you walk through the doors, love and warmth surround you while you enjoy a nice home cooked meal. Mary’s Kitchen is like going home to family.

A hot meal is served everyday from 10am to 11:30am and on all holidays. Volunteers dedicate their time to cook meals for the hungry every day. Contributions donated go directly to feeding those less fortunate in our Kinston area. Many of the volunteers have been serving for over 18 years. The kitchen staff is in dire need of people to donate time, as well as goods. Since the food supplies, utilities and maintenance are the highest expense, there are many generous churches and businesses who donate funds to keep this organization strong.

We had a great season for giving and it was all thanks to our customers.

Once the holidays have commenced, look for storage solutions to start your New Year organized. Our Kinston NC storage solutions will improve every season.

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.