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Winter Storing Tips for Your Motorcycle

The winter season is right around the corner. Bringing with it weather that can be damaging to vehicles and motorcycles if not properly stored. With these winter storing tips for your motorcycle you can be certain it will be kept in the best condition. Brooks Mini Storage in Kinston, NC is prepared for the cooler weather and wants to help make it easy for you!

Winter Storing Tips for Your Motorcycle

  • Take the battery and spark plugs out or attach a battery tender to keep it fully charged all winter long.
  • To keep dust, dirt and winter precipitation off your recently cleaned bike, utilize an all weather breathable cover when storing indoors or outdoors.
  • Prop your motorcycle on stands, wood blocks, or simply add a cushion under the tire to help relieve constant pressure and keep them full all winter long.
  • Sunlight can be damaging to your motorcycle’s leather, even through a cover, so keep the bike out of direct light.
  • It is important to write a list of maintenance done on the motorcycle before storing for an extended period.
  • Remember to cover or plug intake valves and exhaust pipes. Pests will use this as a place to warm up during this cold time but they can cause internal issues.
  • Your motorcycle may not be visible to you everyday, therefore, make sure it is properly locked, and out of plan view. Maintaining insurance while storing is important in case of theft.
  • Before storing for the winter take the time to clean and wax the motorcycle. This is a good time to make notes of any damages done while riding in the past season.
  • While in storage utilized this down time to do small tasks to the motorcycle that were forgotten during the riding months.
  • To protect any metal from built up condensation and rust use a light protect spray such as WD-40.

For more winter storing tips for your motorcycle stop by to speak with our storage professionals. Check out our website for winter storage options or come on in!

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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.